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Fukuri canevas je me fais du bien - needlepoint I take care of myself
Needlepoint kit - JE ME FAIS DU BIEN (Square)
Fukuri-canevas moderne Je me fais du bien-Needlepoint-modern tapestry I take care of myself unbox
Fukuri-canevas moderne Je me fais du bien-Needlepoint-modern tapestry I take care of myself packaging
Fukuri-canevas moderne Je me fais du bien-Needlepoint-modern tapestry I take care of myself unboxing
Fukuri canevas je me fais du bien - needlepoint I take care of myself
Needlepoint kit - JE ME FAIS DU BIEN (Square)
Fukuri-canevas moderne Je me fais du bien-Needlepoint-modern tapestry I take care of myself unbox
Fukuri-canevas moderne Je me fais du bien-Needlepoint-modern tapestry I take care of myself packaging
Fukuri-canevas moderne Je me fais du bien-Needlepoint-modern tapestry I take care of myself unboxing

Needlepoint kit - JE ME FAIS DU BIEN (Square)

  • €49.00
- +

"I take care of myself", this is Fukuri's mantra and an excellent reason to try modern needlepoint.


This complete needlepoint kit contains everything you need:

A printed fabric (illustration 7.9"x7.9")

A blunt tip needle

The threads necessary for the realization in 1/2 point

An Illustrated card and instructions on the back

Not provided: a pair of scissors

If you already have threads or want to choose other colors we also sell a kit without the threads and you manage. We just tell you how many threads each color requires.

Packaging: Beautiful recyclable and reusable Fukuri box that allows you to store your work nicely from one time to the next


Level of difficulty: soooo easy

Even if you've never touched a needle yet you'll do this without any problem.

As we are so nice we made a quick video tutorial  here in english


Fabric size : 9.8"x9.8"

Illustration on the tapestry  so final size of the tapestry: 7.9"x7.9"

box: 10.4"x7.5"x1.8"

For the sets without thread the packaging is a refusable Kraft "japanese envelop"